Heatmap poll settings
Create a grid with dates and times. Participants can click and drag across the grid 'paint' the time slots that they are available.
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Create a grid with dates and times. Participants can click and drag across the grid 'paint' the time slots that they are available.
Last updated
When you create a Heatmap poll, you can show a grid of many dates and times within the window you define.
Choose a time window
To choose a time window for each day in your heatmap grid, select a 'Start' time and an 'End' time. The Heatmap poll will show all times within this window, in 30 minute increments.
The times you enter will be based on your current timezone on the browser you are viewing TallyCal with.
You can switch the view to show all times in 24-hour format, if preferred. By default, it will show the format saved to your profile. If you are not logged in, the default will be 12-hour time format.
Add dates to your poll
After you define your time window for each date, you can choose dates on the calendar grid below. When you click on a date, it will add an option to the list of poll choices at the bottom of the page. If you click that same date again, it will remove the that date from the list at the bottom of the page.
Delete a timeslot
You can press the 'Trash' icon next to a date to delete it from your poll. However, if you delete a date that has been voted on already in a published poll, you will lose that data for the date, and will not be able to recover it.
Timeslot allowance
You can add up to 15 dates per poll. If you are a TallyCal Pro user, you can add unlimited dates per poll.
Exclude times
You can select specific times within your range to block from participants. Simple choose which start times you want to remove from the poll and they will no be an option. This feature is only available for pro users.
Show days of week only
You can choose to show the week day only on your poll options. This will not show a date. So if you choose Monday, March 13th as a poll option then your participants will only see Monday if you have this feature turned on.
Participant Entry
Participants can select their availability by individually clicking time slots or clicking and dragging down each column. Additionally, participants can click on a column header to select all options in a date, or they can click the button "Select all' to make themselves available for every single time slot across all dates and times.